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  • Writer's pictureHannah

Beauty Influencer of the Month

A "Beauty Influencer" is someone is typically someone who presents information or content on a social media platform, such as Instagram or YouTube who persuades people to use certain products, starts or continues a trend or is just generally looked up to in the beauty world. A few well known examples include PatrickStarrr, MannyMUA and Jaclyn Hill.

So basically once a month I will be creating a blog post talking about a Beauty Influencer whose content and personality I enjoy. Basically I'll just be talking about some of my favorite videos, looks, and other things like that! If you have something you'd like me to talk about regarding these people, please let me know!

This week I want to talk about is *drum roll please*


Thomas Halbert is a 21 year old beauty influencer who creates YouTube videos and also posts on other social media like Twitter and Instagram. I find everything he posts to be very entertaining and fun to watch/read! I appreciate that he is honest when it comes to his thoughts, and feelings and that he isn't just saying things that he thinks will make other people happy, or that will end up with him on PR lists.

His intros to his YouTube videos are really funny, and show that he does see everything his followers post, because he always says "I'm Thomas *insert a meme, or something people are saying about him* Halbert". In his latest video his intro was "Hey I'm Thomas I have a forehead now Halbert..." and I just really think this is funny. I also enjoy that he includes some bloopers and funny mess ups throughout his videos, because they are always hilarious!

I think his makeup skills are incredible, so much better than mine aha! I wish I could do makeup as well as he does! I also think he is courageous because he is in a community that has been thought to be only for girls. I know, and a lot of people know that it is 2018 and that if boys want to do "girl" things and vice versa it is totally 100% okay, however there are those people who still believe in gender stereotypes and norms and I imagine he gets a lot of hate from these people, among others who send negative messages for other reasons. To know that there are those comments on your posts and not let that stop you from doing what you love is such a strong quality that I admire.

Thomas Halbert is my all time favorite beauty YouTuber that I've started watching so far! I began watching his videos when the "I follow _____'s tutorial" trend had just kicked off and I am so glad I did!

Here is his YouTube link if you want to check some videos out!

Do you watch Thomas' videos? If so what is your favorite? Let me know!

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